If you've run into this issue, carefully compare the inputs of each project, especially Step 3's hydrological parameters. When we've lined the hydrological parameters up between v5 and v6 projects and all other inputs are the same, the total flow and flow allocation for the projects are much more similar. Below is a list of hydrological parameters that are particularly likely to differ between v5 and v6 projects. We recommend using the values associated with Hydro v6.
- Average Annual Flow may have an erroneously limited range in v5 and both projects will be need to set to a value available in both versions
- Soil Macropore Percentage may be a different order of magnitude between v5 and v6 projects
- "Watershed area where rainfall rate can exceed infiltration rate" is set to 100% by default in v6 projects, but many v5 projects have this set to 65%
- Time Constants have been split into additional parameters in v6 and the default values for these are higher than they were in v5. We recommend in v5 setting Sub Surface Flow Routing = 120 and Time Constants for Surface Flow both = 40, equivalent to the defaults in a Hydro v6 project