Change detection capability within iTree Canopy

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Change detection capability within iTree Canopy

Post by bjorn »


I'm trying to determine if there is currently functionality within iTree Canopy to do change detection over time with simple tree/non-tree classification. I see this topic has come up twice before in the discussion forums (see links below). But those date back to 2017 and 2013, so I wonder if a change detection feature in iTree Canopy had been developed for this since then.

viewtopic.php?f=9&t=957&p=1809&hilit=ch ... nopy#p1809
viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1325&p=2408&hilit= ... nopy#p2408

Thank you,
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Re: Change detection capability within iTree Canopy

Post by Jason.Henning »

Hi Bjorn,
The Change Detection in i-Tree Canopy is possible in parallel with the historical imagery available in Goggle Earth. There is currently no way to make historical imagery directly available within i-Tree Canopy as Google does not provide that functionality with their API. You can begin your change analysis by selecting "Change Analysis" under the File menu withing i-Tree Canopy. There are more details on the method described in the second post you linked to also copied here:
You can definitely connect i-Tree Canopy data to the historical data in Google Earth. This is facilitated within the software application by using the "Historical Change Detection" method. For more information please check out these videos,
  • Canopy Change Analysis Intro part 1 ( ... Change.mp4)- 4 min. (.mp4) - This video discusses how to use an existing i-Tree Canopy survey with Google Earth historical images to analyze canopy cover change over time.
  • Canopy Change Analysis with Google Earth part 2 ( ... _part2.mp4 - 4 min. (.mp4)- This video demonstrates a change analysis survey using Canopy in conjunction with Google Earth historical images.
These and other videos can always be found on our Video Learning page,
Additionally, we have a spreadsheet tool that facilitates calculation of the appropriate change statistics using exported data from your i-Tree Canopy project, ... 20.05.xlsx.
A member of the i-Tree Team
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