Planting Calculator version 2.0.0 has several known issues that are affecting current results. Developers are working on addresseing these and this post will updated accordingly.
Planting v2.0.1 was released on 14Feb2020. Details are still pending on this update; Developers are still working on application updates and this will be updated next week as details are provided to us.
Below are known issues:
Exported spreadsheet - the values exported out into a spreadsheet are not consistent with the values generated/displayed in the report in the web application. Any v2.0.0 Excel sheets should be checked against what is shown on the report or discarded pending application update.
Tree Diameter (DBH) Entered and Future DBH inconsistencies – issues are being investigated causing inconsistent pollution and carbon estimates that may be related to how the Planting application handles future DBH based on current or entered DBH.
Below is a list of recent updates to i-Tree Planting v2.0.x which have caused estimate changes in ecosystem services from earlier versions. Most changes are related to ongoing work to unify all online applications to be using underlying i-Tree Eco derived methods and databases.
Growth rates adjustments
- -GrowthrateSlow = 0.24
- -GrowthrateMod = 0.4
- -GrowthrateFast = 0.56
- -GrowthrateSlow = 0.23
- -GrowthrateMod = 0.33
- -GrowthrateFast = 0.43
Mature Tree Slow Growth Phase - A slow growth DBH phase was applied for large mature trees to account for very minor annual growth during maturity, and avoid -0- annual carbon sequestration values.
7500 kg carbon cap for all species - a carbon cap is applied due to uncertainty in estimating carbon storage for very large trees.
Tree Biomass- Carbon was being summed instead of just used at the final year
Pollution Removal
Pollutant data updates during 2019 caused minor differences
Updates to LAI calculations affected by tree parameters caused or potentially caused multiplier differences
A switch was made since v1.2 from using county-run table lookups to incorporating calculated LAI
Database and other minor code changes
Underlying location species DB changes since v1.2 may impact multiple ecosystem services.
Parameter updates
User entered emission factors, mortality, and project length could change outputs if these changed between runs