There are many factors that could cause data to fail during the Eco import process because the process is flexible and data sets can vary with the amount and data types being imported into Eco. Below are a few recommendations for troubleshooting Eco import data losses and resources that may help.
Review spreadsheet - try to do as much checking and updating in the spreadsheet prior to importing. It is far easier to work with in a spreadsheet than trying to map data within the Eco import process. For example, make sure all records have a DBH value by sorting that column or using the filter and update as needed before importing.
Scientific names are preferable - Use scientific names of species if available in the dataset. This helps if you need match trees during the import mapping process where 1000s of trees are listed alphabetically in eco’s list.
Spot check species for consistency - spot check species records by alphabetizing to make sure there aren't any blank records, misspelled names, or problematic records. For example, an inventory may have data such as "stump" or “available planting space” which are common for tree inventory data, but will not match with anything in Eco for analysis. These records can be eliminated before importing.
Creating a backup Eco project prior to import - making a back-up Eco project that is completely configured and ready for import can be helpful. You can then go back and use a copy of the preconfigured master Eco project if you need to retry the import process again after making changes to your spreadsheet data. It is possible to delete out the exported records and then retry the import too but you will find that Eco will start numbering trees after the last import. So, your 2nd try may start with tree 6101, which may be fine.
Check the I need to map my source data to Eco fields even if you think you don’t need to map data. This gives you a second chance to review the data summary in the Wizard dialog mapping box where it tells you status. For example, if you see 11 of 12 records mapped, you can scroll through to find unforeseen issues.
Here are a few resources on importing that are helpful in learning and troubleshooting.
Eco import guide - review data types and ranges in the spreadsheet using the Eco import guide to avoid data import record failures ... porter.pdf
Importing Data into Eco v6 video - This video goes through basic import steps and mapping of data. it will give you a good understanding of the mapping process which is where most data can be matched to prevent failures.
Eco v6 data mapping and troubleshooting video - This is a video that describes the steps for mapping and checking data during the import process to ensure that data is not lost. This is troubleshooting a user Eco project and data from the Netherlands.
how can I troubleshoot records not importing in Eco
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how can I troubleshoot records not importing in Eco
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