I-TREE with GIS capabilities

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I-TREE with GIS capabilities

Post by walkerpick »

Hello All,
I was wondering if anyone has successfully integrated I-Tree Streets with their GIS environment. We have been able to import the Istreets file into our GIS Environment and display all tree points across Town..based on the captured X.Y nearly 40,000 points. The next step we would like to take is bring the GIS data back into I-Tree Streets so we can use the reporting capabilties. Has anyone sucessfully done this?
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i-Tree with GIS capabilities

Post by azelaya »

I am not aware of individuals or communities who have set up a fully integrated (2-way transfer) system between i-Tree and their GIS. Many communities use their GIS data or another asset management system to manage and keep track of their trees on a more frequent basis. A GIS or other tree management system are typically more flexible/powerful allowing for daily management, maintaining work histories, etc.

These types of users will then periodically import their GIS inventory into i-Tree for the ecosystem services estimates. Some consultants also have this type of functionality built into their proprietary asset management software.

a few communities who start with i-Tree have imported their i-Tree Streets data into a GIS for mapping purposes. For example, Dillion, MT has created a system http://www.dillontrees.org/database-project allowing for online access to tree info, etc. However, I don't believe that they move data both ways.

In short, I have only seen partial GIS/iTree integration.

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I-TREE with GIS capabilities

Post by iTreeGIS »

Greetings Walter,

We, TatukGIS Consulting ( http://www.tatukgisconsulting.com ), are in the process of creating a 2-way full GIS/iTree integration GIS application using the TatukGIS Developer Kit (DK).

In the past we have had great success with the TatukGIS DK when we created the Forestry GIS (FGIS http://fgis.tatukgisconsulting.com/p/th ... -fgis.html) application for the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry.

We estimate that there are tens of thousands of FGIS users around the globe. And better than that is the fact that FGIS is stable, fast, and bug-free and has been so for many years.

The DK is a great tool for the above reasons and because it is free of any expensive third party libraries, yet it can work with almost any GIS dataset.

***If there is anything you'd like to see in the final iTreeGIS application, please let us know. We extend the same offer to the iTree community.***

With the reasonable cost of the TatukGIS DK and it's speed, stability, and versatility, we should be able to offer iTreeGIS for a VERY reasonable cost.

Thanks and warm regards,

Brian Brown
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