Error reading location data

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Error reading location data

Post by larawoodmiller »

In Step 2 I keep getting a series of error messages that start with "Error reading location data" and ending with "One of the scenarios does not sum to 100%". I am not sure what to change in Step 1 to help trouble shoot this.

I am using
1) the geogrphic area is New York, New York
2) a local DEM (though I did try with the preloaded version and still got these errors) - selecting a noncatchment area - I am trying to model the New York City
3) I select gauge from map (all in the vicinity of NYC) and have set time period for 2005, 2010 and 2012 (one full year for each time)

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Re: Error reading location data

Post by rcoville »

Thanks for your interest, and sorry for this inconvenience!

I believe the issue is due to a location database bug that still persists in the Hydro GUI. County=New York & Place=New York has invalid data which is leading to the "Error reading location data" message and in-turn the other error. To work around this issue, in step 1 enter County=Bronx & Place=New York to represent Manhattan.

Location selection in step 1 affects the weather and phenology preprocessing that occurs at the end of step 2. I believe after you correct the location in step 1, you should be able to move through the other steps without this issue.

Please let us know if that works for you or if the problem persists.
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