Forecasting the effects of planted species

Section for FAQs regarding i-Tree Eco (UFORE)

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Forecasting the effects of planted species

Post by isaacberth »


I am currently trying forecasting the effects that planting different species will have on environmental benefits and urban forest composition in 10 years. Currently, i-tree eco does not allow for the user to choose the species that are planted, instead all trees planted are assumed to have the same species composition as the inventory. It there any way to overcome this problem so that I can compare the effects of different planting scenarios with different species?

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Re: Forecasting the effects of planted species

Post by Jason.Henning »

Forecast doesn't have a built in mechanism to do this. Depending on the type of project you are working with one potential solution would be to import an inventory that includes the species you are interested in their relative proportions. Alternatively, you might want to see if i-Tree Planting ( meets your needs. It is specifically intended to help assess planting scenarios.
A member of the i-Tree Team
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