Will there be any future training sessions for i-Tree?

Section for general i-Tree questions on installation, system requirements, registration, international use, etc.

Moderators: i-Tree Support, i-Tree Team

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i-Tree Support
i-Tree Team
Posts: 192
Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:04 am

Will there be any future training sessions for i-Tree?

Post by i-Tree Support »

i-Tree training is periodically sponsored and offered by external partners such as state agencies and non-profit organizations. We will post these training opportunities on the the i-Tree Training page. http://www.itreetools.org/resources/training/index.php The i-Tree Cooperative is evaluating alternative methods to provide training such as webinars or developing online training modules.

You can also access archived i-Tree webinars and past presentations at the following links.

A few additional points to remember are:
1. i-Tree tools can be used without training. Instructions and users' manuals are available online.http://www.itreetools.org/resources/manuals.php

2. i-Tree "trainers," who are people who have attended i-Tree "train-the-trainer" trainings, or who have used i-Tree, periodically conduct training in their state/community as demand dictates. So, check your local resources.

3. You can also contact your state coordinator http://www.fs.fed.us/ucf/contact_state.html about training in your state, as many of them have attended training and/or have funding for training.
a member of the i-Tree Team
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